
Archive for October, 2013

The way tyranny is enforced…

Explained by someone who has “been there and done that”… Forcing people to comply to rule against their interests and without their consent is tyranny and an act of warfare (in case anyone has forgotten the short definition)…   —Editor
Deuteronomy 28:33 (ESV)   Because you refused to live under your rightful King…
… A nation that you have not known shall eat up the fruit of your ground and of all your labors, and you shall be only oppressed and crushed continually…
police state methods
Police State Too Much? Send in a Marine!
Published on Aug 15, 2013 By “adventures in the free state” (youtube channel)

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Deuteronomy chapter 28… it tells why

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Prophecy can be a fun thing…

All God’s promises are true…

Deuteronomy 28:58 (NIV)  
… If you do not carefully follow all the words of this law, which are written in this book, and do not revere this glorious and awesome name—the Lord your God—

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They will continue to attempt to delay the inevitable…   —Editor
Revelation 9:20-21 (NIV)
… The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk. Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts…
fiat money debt bubble
Dr. Jim Willie-Big Banks in Danger of Imploding
Published on Oct 6, 2013 By Greg Hunter (youtube channell)
Dr. Jim Willie, Publisher of the Hat Trick Letter, thinks, “Reversal in the Treasury bond market could be a death blow for these zombie New York banks . . . These big banks are in danger of imploding.” Dr. Willie predicts, “I don’t think the Fed is going to taper its bond buying. I believe they are going to double it.” Dr. Willie goes on to say, “The Fed will say let’s continue QE, and instead of suffocation from rising rates, we’ll have drowning from rising costs. . . . They are going for drowning because it’s slower.” Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with financial analyst Dr. Jim Willie of GoldenJackass.com.

Systems are Breaking in Treasury Bond Market


By Greg Hunter    6 October 2013

Financial analyst Dr. Jim Willie says forget about the government shutdown and the debt ceiling. It is the Treasury market that is the big problem.  Dr. Willie says, “What’s going on with the Treasury bond market right now is systems are breaking . . . they broke the interest rate swaps.  They are not functioning anymore. . . . Foreigners are dumping Treasuries.”  Dr. Willie contends this is what caused the spike in interest rates in the past few months.  And what was the meeting last week of all the big bankers at the White House?  Dr. Willie speculates, “I think it was an emergency meeting because they cannot successfully defend the dollar anymore, not fend off the big Treasury bond sales.”  Dr. Willie thinks, “Reversal in the Treasury bond market could be a death blow for these zombie New York banks . . . These big banks are in danger of imploding”   Dr. Willie predicts, “I don’t think the Fed is going to taper its bond buying.  I believe they are going to double it.”  Dr. Willie goes on to say, “The Fed will say let’s continue QE, and instead of suffocation from rising rates, we’ll have drowning from rising costs. . . . They are going for drowning because it’s slower.”  Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with financial analyst Dr. Jim Willie of GoldenJackass.com.

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Why the so called “grassroots” are their enemy…

What most would consider to be an obscure scripture…

II Chronicles 7:14 (ESV)
… if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land…

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America’s real problem…

America has been sold… The original owner made sure He sold her to the most miserable tyrants ever… He promised that He would buy her back, but only on His terms and with something much more precious than money…   —Editor
Isaiah 52:3 (NIV)
… For this is what the LORD says: “You were sold for nothing, and without money you will be redeemed.”
america the conquered by peters cover
America The Conquered
Published on Jun 4, 2012 By Hail Christ 83 (youtube channel)

“America The Conquered” book by Peter J. Peters
Available from Amazon

The Number One Reason Why the USA Has Been Conquered


By Dave Hodges    September 21, 2013

The Common Sense Show

There are exceptional people out there who are capable of starting epidemics. All you have to do is find them.” ― Malcolm Gladwell, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

Our Congress has an all-time low 9% approval rating, and Obama’s popularity is in the toilet. It has been 10 years since I declared war upon the central bankers. In that time, I have watched millions of our fellow countrymen show evidence that they are in various stages of waking up to the tyranny that is attacking every facet of our lives. The alternative media has done a marvelous job of reaching the masses despite being ridiculed and shut out of the mainstream media. The alternative media is being so effective that Congress is attempting to declare us to “not be journalists” in a bill that is in Committee. It is my considered opinion that we have awakened enough people who are collectively capable of making substantial fundamental differences. This begs the obvious question, then why don’t we see a massive revolution against the central bankers and their institutions of control? There is no simple answer which will explain all the fence-sitting we are witnessing in the country today. However, there is one social psychological factor which explains why the majority of the people who are awake to the present level of tyranny are not sufficiently motivated to act and that factor is called bystander apathy.

Bystander Apathy

The term bystander apathy (i.e. fence sitting) refers to the phenomenon in which the greater the number of people present, the less likely people are to help a person in distress. When an emergency situation occurs, observers are more likely to take action if there are few or no other witnesses.

The most frequently cited example of the bystander effect in introductory psychology textbooks is the brutal murder of a young woman named Catherine “Kitty” Genovese. On Friday, March 13, 1964, 28-year-old Genovese was returning home from work. While Genvovese approached her apartment entrance, she was attacked and repeatedly stabbed by a man later identified as Winston Moseley.

Despite Genovese’s repeated calls for help, none of the dozen people in the nearby apartment building who heard her cries called the police. The attack first began at 3:20 AM, but it was not until 3:50 AM that someone first contacted police. Genovese’s death was preventable and the failure of her neighbors to report the crime in progress, brought the social psychology term, bystander apathy, into the national discussion about people’s unwillingness to act in an emergency situation.

There are two major factors that contribute to bystander apathy. First, the presence of other people creates a diffusion of responsibility. Because there are other observers, individuals do not feel as much pressure to take action, since the responsibility to take action is thought to be shared among all of those present. Generally speaking, the greater the number of people which are present in an emergency, the less likely people are to take action.

The second reason is the need to behave in correct and socially acceptable ways. When other observers fail to react, individuals often take this as a signal that a response is not needed or not appropriate. Other researchers have found that onlookers are less likely to intervene if the situation is ambiguous. In the case of Genovese, most of the 38 witnesses reported that they believed that they were witnessing a “lover’s quarrel,” and did not realize that the young woman was actually being murdered.

The Globalists Are Committing a Full Frontal Assault Upon Humanity

There has never been a time in the recorded history of our planet where such a large group of people have been under such a widespread and prolonged attack and have failed to fight back with a sense of collective unity. Let’s briefly review many of the major areas that the globalists have decided to attack humanity.

We are under attack from the skies and through the poisoning of our air through massive chemical spraying complete with Alzheimer’s and dementia causing aluminum sulfate and cancer causing barium. Fukushima radiation, Corexit spraying and the resulting toxic rain from the Gulf oil spill is running rampant over our country and not one ounce of mainstream media coverage is afforded to these dangers. Prevention and remediation are nonexistent.

Our water is being systematically removed from the country by Nestle, and our water tables are being systematically compromised by environmental toxins and of course many Americans are consuming water permeated with IQ-lowering rocket fuel (i.e., fluoride).

Our food is being poisoned through the rampant use of cancer-causing MSG products, and the unlabeled, unregulated and cancer-causing Monsanto GMO’s.

Under the guise of fighting terrorism, Americans are now facing illegal detention, torture and murder. The Military Commissions Act, the National Defense Authorization Act and the John Warner Defense Authorization Act. are in play in which the average citizen is now labeled as a terrorist by Homeland Security as reported in their inspired documents, such as the MIAC Report. The MIAC report defines domestic terrorism as the mere act of criticizing our governmental leaders, supporting Ron Paul, being a Libertarian, being a member of the Constitution Party, being a Second Amendment supporter and demanding that our leaders follow the Constitution. By virtue of the fact that you have visited this web site, you could now be considered to be a domestic terrorist.

Our national sovereignty and manufacturing base has been destroyed through the free trade agreements of NAFTA and CAFTA which has resulted in totally open borders culminating in the overwhelming of our infrastructure, hospital emergency rooms and our educational institutions by the human onslaught which will be soon be at unprecedented levels which promise to bring 150 million additional immigrants to our country by 2040.

Obama’s administration has openly engaged in human smuggling as well as drug and gun trafficking to criminal cartels, in programs such as “Fast and Furious.” Bush and Obama have illegally entered America into the sovereignty snatching SPP through the implementation of the North American Union.

Our property rights and water rights as well as our right to farm in traditional ways are being destroyed through the implementation of the pseudo-environmentalist doctrine known as Agenda 21, whose programs are being rapidly implemented at the local level. As a result, massive food shortages and outright famines are right around the corner.

America is being de-industrialized through the global warming scam and the accompanying illegal cap and trade schemes. Meanwhile, as the New York Times reports, Ugandan villages are being burned down and replaced with trees in the name of saving the planet through carbon offset programs. This insane application of carbon trading is now being enforced by American military boots on the ground in Uganda. Soon, you will see roving blackouts and the doubling of utility rates as Obama makes good on his campaign promise of “necessarily skyrocketing utility rates.”

In just over three months, Americans will soon be subjected to the death panels of Obama care in which citizens over the age of 70 are officially referred to as “units” and are targeted for comfort care but not given life saving measures. This is an undeniable, unmitigated and naked version of Eugenics cast in the same flavor as that practiced by Margaret Sanger.

In the meantime, our youth are under attack through mercury laden vaccines which also contains the immune system destroying properties of the flu vaccine adjuvants of MF 59, Squaylene and now we find that the active ingredient for Lyme disease is in the patent for the current flu vaccine. One in 58 boys are now autistic courtesy of the pollutants in the vaccines.

America is now witnessing the final stages of the installation of a police state surveillance grid through the creation and installation of video cameras and microphones in the Homeland Security funded Intellistreet light poles. The National Security Agency listens to our every call, their computers read every email and fax, courtesy of systems such as Echelon. Americans are being encouraged, by Big Sis, to spy on another as we purchase the Chinese slave labor products at Walmart.

Many fence sitters will soon see their places where they once perched their spineless bodies, disappear as American homes are being stolen through the use of fraudulent robo signers and illegal repossessions without the mortgage note in order that the six mega banks can double and triple their illegitimate profits off each home they are able to steal and resell again and again.

As a result of the illegal “bailouts,” we now know that the Federal Reserve (i.e., Goldman Sachs) is giving our money away to their private banking interests, (aka) their subsidiary holdings, in Europe. Additionally, more of our money has been stolen with the complicit participation of ex-Goldman Sachs federal government overseers like Gary Gensler who has failed to deliver even one indictment of his ex-Goldman Sachs partner, John Corzine, and his MF Global theft ring resulting for the “loss” of $3 billion dollars in private accounts. John Corzine and his governmental partner in crime, Gary Gensler, have established the legal precedent of stealing from private American accounts. And the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals made it legal for banks to steal depositors money. The net effect of all this thievery is that YOU have no retirement. YOU have no social security. YOU have no bank account. Soon, everything YOU own will all belong to the banksters!

Our “public servants” in Congress (e.g., Nancy Pelosi), on 60 Minutes, admitted to routinely engage in stock market insider trading which they have made legal for themselves, but would send you to prison for doing the same.

The TSA incessantly conducts heinous acts against the American people, such as strip searching and injuring 85 year old ladies, grabbing the genitals of our children and wives and largely engaging in acts which, if performed by you, would land you in jail for five years. Your body and your self-respect belong to the globalists and their minions. Which side of the fence are you fence sitters going to sitting on when the TSA gropes the private parts of your daughters?

Even with all of these hideous events now hiding in plain sight, I have never called for a revolution against our increasingly illegitimate government, or, should I say against the banksters who have hijacked our Republic. However, I am advocating for non-compliant acts of civil disobedience. There are so many more heinous acts being committed against the American people that it is difficult to count all the ways that tyranny is being installed in America.

The supposed voice of the people, Congress, has taken up sides with those who would exterminate most of us and enslave the remainder of us with the new indefinite detention law, the National Defense Authorization Act, which allows the government to secretly disappear anyone and assassinate anyone for virtually any reason. The NDAA has totally destroyed what was left of the Constitution because we now live in an America in which the government can declare peaceful dissent, public criticism, and the failure to comply to globalists’ trickle down tyranny as an act of terror in which YOU are subject to secret arrest, torture and even murder. Unfortunately, there are not many places to left to hide.

The dead spirits of Mao, Stalin and Hitler are coalescing in the halls of Congress and you are their newest target! If you are a doubter as to the validity of the claims written in this article, please click on the hypertext links and read for yourself. If only one of the allegations that I make here is true, then our Congress and our President are guilty of treason.

While in the Soviet Gulag, Alexsandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn and his fellow victims, lamented that they did not mount a resistance when the Secret Police came and dragged people out of their homes and sent them to Siberia. We will soon be faced with the same choice. Those of you who are sitting on the fence when they come to drag the rest of us out of our homes and haul us off to a concentration camp, do you think the modern day version of the brown shirts are just going to pass you by? And if you are still in denial as to the likelihood that this is going to happen then ask yourself why does the NSA want a record of every website you visit, every word you utter and every work that you type? They are compiling a threat matrix score for each and everyone and history shows that life and death decisions come from such lists. We already see evidence of these types of lists as evidenced by the no-fly list. You cannot find out if you are on the list until the moment you are turned back at the gate of the airport. Welcome to East Germany!

Our entire governmental leadership is a self-admitted criminal enterprise system as it is lawless; it is devoid of empathy, compassion nor  does it have any remaining vestiges of the system of Constitutional fair play which was bequeathed to us by our Founding Fathers.

The 300 or so banksters who have hijacked our government are mentally ill. They are sociopathic serial killers. They (e.g., George Soros, Warren Buffet, David Rockefeller, etc.) destroy economies, ferment violent revolutions and start wars which kill millions. In short, they are the modern day version of the money changers that Jesus chased from the Temple.

To the police and the military that are going to be told to enforce this globalist, tyrannical takeover and subsequent subjugation of America, I ask all of you: Which side of history will you be on? Are you going to mindlessly obey the soon-to-be illegitimate orders emanating from these despots, or, are you going to uphold your sworn oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, both foreign and domestic? Do you really think that your military retirements and police pensions are going to be waiting for you when your tyrannical deeds are done?  There are those who will serve the satanic globalist regime and then there is everybody else. The fundamental question remains for all the fence sitters, is do you really believe that the globalists are going leave you and your family untouched?  You have a choice on how you will respond to tyranny. Will you willingly march to your death, or will you fight and possibly die with integrity?

Mr. Law Enforcement official, are you going to acquiesce to your inherent tendency to get caught up in bystander apathy, or are you going to come down on the right side of history?

Can Bystander Apathy Be Successfully Mitigated?

Research shows that bystander apathy can be mitigated, in part, by group cohesiveness which can affect the helping behavior of a bystander. As defined by Rutkowski et al., cohesiveness refers to an established relationship (e.g. friends) between two or more people. There is a reason why the globalists like to use divide and conquer strategies as their media minions enjoy pitting white against black, citizens vs. non-citizens and the rich vs. the poor. The resulting division lessens the collective group cohesiveness of America and that is the goal as we continue to be carved up like a Thanksgiving turkey. Look at the person next to you, that individual is your potential ally.

Helping behavior and group activism are more likely when there are similarities between the helper and the person being helped. Research has considered the role of similarity, and more specifically, shared group membership, in encouraging bystander intervention. In one experiment (2005), researchers found that bystanders were more likely to help an injured person if that person was wearing a football jersey of a team the bystander liked as opposed to a team the bystander did not like. However, when their shared identity as football fans was made obvious to both parties, supporters of both teams were likely to be helped, significantly more so than a person wearing a plain shirt. As we bring this into the context of fighting the New World Order, if people of all races, ethnicity and religious identity would identify as being Americans as well as fellow human beings, we would collectively rush to the aid of our fellow victims. For example, if you were a victim of MF Global, and I see you as a fellow American and human being, I am more likely to join you in raising my voice in opposition to governmental tyranny which permitted the perpetrators of this crime to get away with it. And If my personal issue was the improper application of eminent domain laws against my property, you, in turn, would be more likely to help me if we were to identify with each other.

Scientists from the prestigious Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have determined that if just 10% of any given population holds to an unshakable idea, that the idea will become adopted by the majority of the country.

However, the scientists who belong to the Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC) found that if the ideas are shared by less than 10% of the population, the idea will not progress and will eventually die out. The SNARC scientists found that the 10% figure was applicable whether they were talking about the spread of innovations or to advance a political ideal.


We desperately need to redefine how we view our people in general, if we are to become united and mount opposition to the tyranny that is presently besetting us. We are just not fellow inhabitants and random strangers in America, more importantly, we are fellow human beings who have a common and identifiable enemy.

The person next to you is your potential ally, it does not matter what their race or national origin consists of, we are all victims of these New World Order animals who are running our country. Once we begin to unite under the banner of humanity, then the next step is to get people to realize that the solutions to these problems reside within the spiritual realm, but that is another topic for another day.

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Daniel 2:44 (NIV)
… “In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever…
II Samuel 7:10 (NIV)
… Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime…

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When in actuality, they are everyone’s enemy, according to the scriptures, common sense, and the facts…   —Editor
I Thessalonians 2:15 (WNT…Weymouth New Testament)
… Those Jewish persecutors killed both the Lord Jesus and the Prophets, and drove us out of their midst. They are displeasing to God, and are the enemies of all mankind…
scott de carlos arrest report
Added: Jul-29-2013 Occurred On: Jul-29-2013
By: Marcux (liveleak)

9-11 Cop Breaks Silence


September 23, 2011

By Dave Gahary

(Sgt. Scott DeCarlo, officer who arrested the five iraelis who were filming the towers event, giving each other high fives, or otherwise indicating they were very happy about the event)

The New Jersey police officer responsible for capturing five Israelis who filmed and celebrated while the World Trade Center towers burned has broken his silence, agreeing to a Sept. 16 exclusive interview with AMERICAN FREE PRESS.

As AFP readers are no doubt aware, these are the same Israelis who were working under the direction of Urban Moving Systems, a Mossad front company at the center of Israeli involvement in the Sept. 11 attacks.

Sgt. Scott DeCarlo has never spoken to the media about the details of that day except for two 30-second cameo appearances in Internet videos from undetermined sources. In fact, DeCarlo confirmed that this is the first, and last, interview he will ever grant in regard to this subject.

DeCarlo revealed to AFP hidden details about the events of 9-11 that mainstream media venues should have uncovered 10 years ago, if not for their near-total blackout of meaningful coverage where Israel is concerned.

Although not scheduled to work that day, DeCarlo reported anyway and “was posted on the highway” to prevent traffic from entering New York City.

“There was a BOLO, which is a ‘Be On the Look Out’ for a particular van, perhaps loaded with explosives,” explained DeCarlo, “that may have been on its way to destroy the George Washington Bridge.”

DeCarlo explained: “It [the suspicious van] happened to come our way, and I grabbed my sergeant [DeCarlo himself was a patrolman at that time] and said: ‘Hey, man, that’s our van.’ It wasn’t the exact license plate given reported—it was off by one numeral—but I said: ‘That’s gotta be it; it’s just too close.’”

He continued: “The van was coming off the [N.J.] Turnpike trying to get on Route 3. Traffic was rolling at two miles an hour, so we got in front of the van on foot, weapons drawn, and stopped it.”

All five of the Israeli spies refused to exit their vehicle, so DeCarlo was forced to get physical.

“We asked them to get out of the van, but they didn’t listen,” he said. “So, we . . . put them in handcuffs and did it as quickly as possible.”

AFP asked DeCarlo why he thought the Israelis refused to follow his orders. DeCarlo was unsure, but asked this writer, “You ever have a gun pointed at your head?”

DeCarlo then described what happened after the spies were dragged from their van. “When we removed them, one of the guys that was rather chatty said: ‘We’re not your enemy, we’re your friend. Our enemies are your enemies,’” DeCarlo said. “At that point they said they were from Israel. They kept saying, ‘Hey, we’re on your side.’”

“We brought them over to the New Jersey State Police holding cells in the Meadowlands Stadium, and that’s the last I saw of them,” he said. Shortly after that, the FBI reportedly took over. The five Israelis were held for 10 weeks, but were eventually deported to Israel on charges of immigration violations. In November 2001, they appeared on an Israeli TV talk show discussing how they were in the U.S. “to document the event.”

Sgt. DeCarlo asked AFP to request interested parties not to contact him.

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… I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh; they will be drunk on their own blood, as with wine. Then all mankind will know that I, the LORD, am your Savior, your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.”

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Fraud is always intentional…

Fraud is a weapon… “Constructive Fraud” is a legal term… If the fraud was unintentional it was only because the perps made an oversight  —Editor
Proverbs 4:14-17 (NIV)
… Do not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evildoers. Avoid it, do not travel on it; turn from it and go on your way…
they are robbed of sleep till they make someone stumble. They eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence…
constructive fraud
Carl Klang – Why The Banksters Keep Us Dumb
Uploaded on Aug 24, 2011 By TheRapeOfJustice (youtube channel)

“Why The Banksters Keep Us Dumb” by Carl Klang in mp3 format

Why is Obamacare so unaffordable???
Because it was conceived as a political weapon of mass economic destruction


By Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor   September 25 2013

(NaturalNews) Right now, all across America, employees are receiving notices that their insurance coverage is being dropped because it isn’t “compliant” with Obamacare. Simultaneously, employers everywhere are slashing jobs, cutting hours and downsizing their operations just to stay afloat by avoiding the most punishing requirements of Obamacare. Across the economy, Obamacare is devastating American workers and casting tens of millions of people into a state of despair.

Why is Obamacare — the “Affordable Care Act” — so unaffordable? Why is it causing jobs, hours and insurance policies to be gutted all across America? Because it was designed as a political weapon to destroy private sector jobs so that more people would become dependent on government entitlements, food stamps and welfare programs.

Mass victimization is a political strategy, and Obamacare is the weapon

It’s time you learned the truth about Obamacare and how victimization is a political “weapon of mass destruction.” The Democratic party thrives primarily on victimization. The more destitute workers become, the more they demand handouts from politicians, and no party is more willing to widely distribute handouts than the Democratic party. Ensnaring people in a cycle of poverty and dependence is the democrats’ long-term re-election strategy. The more people who live in poverty, in other words, the more powerful the Democrats become.

(In fairness, the Republicans’ long-term re-election strategy is to ensnare nations in endless wars, conflict and engineered terrorism. But that’s another article altogether. For the record, I endorse the platform of the Canary Party.)

Because of this dynamic, the Democratic party is terrified by individuals who can take care of themselves. Self-empowered people quickly learn they don’t need as much government in their lives, and they tend to vote for smaller government. But people who are in a state of constant crisis from losing their job, getting their hours cut or losing their health insurance automatically turn to big government for help. They demand more government and more assistance programs, and this reliably translates into more democrats getting voted into office on election day.

From the very start, the Obamacare plan was to thrust American workers into a state of despair and panic by making health insurance all but unaffordable to employers. To top off the scheme, the entire charade was named the “Affordable Care Act” to fool the masses into initially supporting it. (Beware of the name of any 1,000-page act passed by Congress. They are almost universally named the opposite of what they actually accomplish…)

The ploy succeeded, and now millions of American workers are just beginning to wake up and realize, “Hey! We’ve been lied to!”

The real disaster begins October 1

Just how bad is Obamacare, really? It’s so bad that Congress recently conspired with the White House to make sure all members of Congress are exempted from its core mandates. This means Congress won’t be using the same health care system they have forced upon everyone else. How’s that for integrity?

In just a few days, the nation is going to find out just what a mess Obamacare really is. October 1 is the day the so-called “Obamacare exchanges” are supposed to be open for business. It’s also the day when the train wreck really begins, so expect all sorts of glitches, failures, privacy breaches and other electronic problems to appear.

In the exchanges that do work, you’re going to find sky-high prices for coverage that, in many cases, double or triple what you’ve been paying. How’s that for “affordable care?”

In an effort to cover up the reality of all this, the Obama administration has been cherry picking numbers from selected examples and publicizing those to try to deceive the country into thinking those are the rates everyone else will be paying, too. In reality, health insurance rates are going to shock the nation in a week or so, and at that point the false cover-up can no longer be maintained. Expect the mainstream media to pull another Orwellian sleight-of-mind trick and try to convince people that their doubled or triples health insurance rates are somehow “lower.” (This trick might actually work, since most voters are utterly unable to do math anyway. Concepts of “higher” or “lower” may no longer be comprehended by the average American worker / voter.)

As I write this, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz is engaged in an all-night action in the U.S. Senate that looks a lot like a filibuster. He’s demanding that Obamacare be de-funded as a condition for passing a higher debt ceiling for federal spending. The House has already voted to de-fund Obamacare, and it looks like Republicans and Democrats are once again playing chicken to see who will take the blame if the government really does get shut down.

The correct answer is that Republicans will be blamed because the mainstream media is still in Obama’s back pocket even as he has pushed America’s national debt way past $16 trillion. But because mainstream reporters can’t do math and have no idea what a “trillion” really is, these mathematical realities don’t compute with them, and the brush off the whole concept of national debt as if the laws of economics could be selectively ignored at will.

Obamacare is only the first wave of economic destruction headed our way

The bottom line in all this comes down to the following:

1) Obamacare is unleashing an economic nightmare across America. Workers are being punished across the board, losing their jobs, their work hours and their insurance policies. This is happening precisely because Obamacare makes it unaffordable for many employers to cover all the required health care costs. Welcome to the “part-time society!”

2) For most people — but not everyone — Obamacare insurance rates will be much higher than what they’ve been paying. Why is this the case? Because the Obamacare system preserves and protects the Big Pharma monopoly, shoveling billions of dollars into drug companies each year under the guise of “medical treatment.” Instead of reducing health care costs, the Obamacare system is actually focused on helping Big Pharma profit from a sick-care system of ongoing chronic disease.

3) Ultimately, the financial end of America grows ever closer with each passing day. This system of unlimited debt, unlimited entitlements and unlimited spending will, of course, come to a catastrophic end. How do I know this? Because it is a simple fact of reality that all things which are unsustainable must, at some point, end. And when it comes to debt, the longer the denial, the more devastating the wake-up call.

Today, the federal government’s out-of-control debt spending is, by all accounts, unsustainable. The only real question is how long they can keep the faith-based Ponzi scheme running before the world’s central banks decide to start dumping U.S. treasury debt on the open market, at which point the house of cards implodes almost overnight.

4) Because of point #3, above, the final fact on all this is that Obamacare won’t really matter in the long run anyway because the entire federal government is headed for a debt implosion which will very likely end in some sort of wholesale downsizing of government. The insanity you are witnessing right now is indicative of the final chapter of a failed government on the verge of collapsing into ruin. When that day arrives, expect short-term social chaos followed by long-term abundance as principles of economic liberty are finally restored.

Have a backup plan

Please understand there is no turning back for America now. Power-hungry politicians and a brain-dead mainstream media have held us all hostage to an agenda of planned economic destruction. At this point, there is no reform that can halt the inevitable implosion. The dominoes are falling and cannot be stopped. As much as I admire the backbone of real constitutional leaders in Washington like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, they are nonetheless too little, too late.

As I’ve said for the past year or so, the real focus for the rest of us should be how to survive the day that the federal food stamp program is turned off. The day the food stamp benefit cards stop working is the day a countdown is initiated that will end in riots rolling out across every major U.S. city. That countdown might be somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 – 9 days, give or take. It all depends on how hungry people get and whether the weather is hot or cold. (Hot weather leads to far more riots. Cold weather tends to keep people inside. The most dangerous scenario is economic collapse during the summer months.)

I urge you to realize that America is quite literally one database away from collapsing into social chaos. (The SNAP food stamp database.) When the funds are turned off from that database, and tens of millions of SNAP debit cards stop working across America, that’s the day you’ll understand just how much damage Obama and others like him have done to our nation.

Prepare now and be safe, folks. The insanity has only just begun. It’s gonna get a whole lot crazier before things turn around.

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